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Masuk Daftar

contoh kalimat alam baka

"alam baka" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • So. The gods finally fuck me to the afterlife.
    Sepertinya dewa akan mengirimku ke alam baka.
  • We shall greet you in the afterlife, my brother.
    Kami akan menyambutmu di alam baka, saudaraku.
  • Or greet your gods upon the shores of the afterlife!
    Atau sambutlah dewamu dari alam baka!
  • Osiris thus became Egypt's most important afterlife deity.
    Osiris menjadi dewa alam baka terpenting di Mesir.
  • The afterlife is full of rumors about you.
    Rumor tentangmu telah menyebar di alam baka.
  • Do you fear the pain, or what is beyond?
    Apa kau takut akan kesakitan, atau alam baka?
  • I'd settle for a life in this one.
    Hei, Scully, apa kamu percaya pada kehidupan alam baka?
  • Unless you wish to meet him in the afterlife,
    Kecuali kau mau bergabung dengannya di alam baka,
  • Their sound to carry my father to the afterlife!
    Untuk mengiringi ayahku ke alam baka!
  • Until my own husband calls me to the afterlife.
    Hingga suamiku dipanggil ke alam baka.
  • When she is returned to my arms in the afterlife.
    Saat dia kembali kepelukanku di alam baka.
  • That young lady has to return to the afterlife.
    Agassi itu akan segera kembali ke alam baka.
  • Then we brought you back from the other side.
    Terus kami membangkitkanmu dari alam baka.
  • Well, in the afterlife, you're still a dealer.
    Well, di alam baka, kau tetap pengedar.
  • Then why don't you just move on?
    Lalu kenapa kau tidak lanjut ke alam baka?
  • Lawrence, I thought you was with the beyond.
    Ku pikir kau di alam baka.
  • Ut I feared she would haunt me from the hereafter.
    Aku takut dia akan menghantuiku dari alam baka.
  • Here's to... running into you guys on the other side.
    Bersulang untuk... bertemu dengan kalian di alam baka.
  • I heard you have to go back.
    Kudengar kau akan kembali ke alam baka.
  • I will not march my people to the afterlife!
    Aku tidak akan mengirim anak buahku ke alam baka!
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